My Odd Writing Process, What's Yours?

Hey guys! As many of you may already know Camp NaNoWriMo July is happening right now which I am participating in to write my long awaited novel. If you don't know what I'm talking about follow this link HERE to check it out, it's great for teens, kids, and really anyone who wants to write a project.

So as I write the first draft of my novel this month I just realized how odd I act as I am holed up in my room listening to music and writing. I mean how can you not go crazy sitting for hours on your computer writing your brain out and having it be at least mildly good. I know I can only tolerate human isolation for so long.

So here is my writing routine I do almost everyday:
This is me after I write for the day

  1. I sit on my bed for comfort with my laptop, water, and a notepad. 
  2. I turn up random radios on Spotify.
  3. I check Twitter first.
  4. Then Facebook.
  5. Then YouTube.
  6. Then my email.
  7. I check Twitter again.
  8. I start to drink water. Then I realize how good the ice is so I start chewing on the ice for a while.
  9. I open up my word processor and create the chapter title
  10. I check twitter again. (because people have been tweeting as I drank water and wrote my title)
  11. I actually start to write some paragraphs to the chapter.
  12. I start to lay down and stretch my legs by pulling my right leg to my face. (I'm a dancer)
  13. I realize how pretty my foot is when it's pointed.
  14. I start to stretch and dance on my bed imagining me as Maddie on Dance Moms.
  15. I tell myself to start writing again.
  16. As I get a little tires after 20 minutes writing I check all my social media again.
  17. Since there's a mirror in front of my bed I start to lip sync the songs in front of myself imitating singers
  18. I start to play with my hair for the rest of the time.
  19. I wish I could cut my long hair.
  20. I write a little bit more for the chapter.
  21. I start to dance randomly in front of my huge mirror not aware that all my windows are open
  22. I drink more water. 
  23. I wish I had ice with it
  24. I write a little bit more than before
  25. I actually start to keep writing non- stop
  26. Realizing I lost my momentum I go over to my social media for comfort
  27. Repeat steps 1-27
So yeah, that is what I do when I am in my room alone and writing. If you didn't notice when I ACTUALLY write it's only about 1/4 of this whole process. Tip: Don't write in a place where you can easily access WiFi. You'll end up like me. 

So What's your writing process? What do you do when you write? I want to know! Comment below, or you could just tell me how ashamed I should be from my writing process...

We're teens who write, you can't just judge us- Click to Tweet 
-josie :)


  1. This is absolutely great, I nearly cracked a rib from laughing- especially since I can totally relate! Sadly, my routine falls under the same category of never getting anything done... Loved your post, I'm excited for more! Keep it up :D

    Lyndsey -

    1. Haha, thanks! we can't be ashamed of what we really do during our free time:)-josie

  2. Love your new blog! And love this post, it is so very true. I have to deactivate my wi-fi in order to get any serious writing done (then, of course, I end up in a spot where I need to come up with a name that needs a specific meaning or something I need to do a bit of research on... just can't win! LOL)

  3. Hi Josie! New follower via GFC and Bloglovin. Would love for you to follow back Mina's Bookshelf Thanks!


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